Essen-based Hochtief has sold its Brainfactory complex in Munich to life insurance and financial services firm Swiss Life. The financial details were not disclosed. Completed at the end of 2006, the complex includes two adjoining buildings providing a total of 8,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space. The property also has six residential units and approximately 47 parking spaces. Property consultant Atisreal acted as advisor in this transaction.

Essen-based Hochtief has sold its Brainfactory complex in Munich to life insurance and financial services firm Swiss Life. The financial details were not disclosed. Completed at the end of 2006, the complex includes two adjoining buildings providing a total of 8,000 m2 of office space. The property also has six residential units and approximately 47 parking spaces. Property consultant Atisreal acted as advisor in this transaction.