German investment company Hamburgische Immobilienhandlung (HIH) has bought the Oper 46 property in Frankfurt. The 7,500 m[sup]2[/sup] office and retail property is to be contributed to the open-ended institutional fund Warburg-Henderson Deutschland Fonds Plus.

German investment company Hamburgische Immobilienhandlung (HIH) has bought the Oper 46 property in Frankfurt. The 7,500 m2 office and retail property is to be contributed to the open-ended institutional fund Warburg-Henderson Deutschland Fonds Plus.

HIH said the vacant Oper 46 had a market value of about EUR 34-36 mln.

Warburg-Henderson Deutschland Fonds Plus currently owns about EUR 90 mln of assets. The fund intends to acquire EUR 500 mln of assets in the 10 largest German cities.