Pan-European residential real estate firm Heimstaden has appointed Frans Heijbel as managing director within its strategy & M&A team.
Heijbel has left his position as head of international real assets at Alecta to join the private landlord.
Alecta is the largest pension fund in the Nordics and a long-term investment partner of Heimstaden.
Said Christian Fladeland, chief investment officer at Heimstaden: 'Frans brings us considerable experience, after his 20+ years in the property and finance industries in Stockholm and London.
'He knows us well through Alecta’s nine years of investing in Heimstaden Bostad. I am confident that he will support significantly to the development and growth of our business units.'
'During my years of involvement with Heimstaden I have seen it develop into a top-tier real estate manager with a unique culture and ownership mindset, and a true passion for making a positive impact on its tenants’ lives. I am looking forward to forming and executing on our strategy,' added Heijbel.
Heimstaden is the second largest residential real estate company in Europe, with more than 150,000 homes in ten countries and a balance sheet of SEK 350 bn (€33 bn).