Neptune Developments and Countryside Properties have announced the appointment of HBG Construction, a unit of the Dutch Royal BAM Group, to build the prestigious mixed-use Mann Island development in Liverpool City Centre. HBG has reported a value of £ 90 mln (EUR 132 mln) for the development, while Neptune says the total value is £120 mln (EUR 177 mln). HBG are due to begin work next month, with full completion expected in December 2010. The Mann Island development will provide a link between the River Mersey and the existing City Centre, featuring public areas, cafes and restaurants, shops, exhibition space, 376 apartments and 13,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of commercial office space.
Neptune Developments and Countryside Properties have announced the appointment of HBG Construction, a unit of the Dutch Royal BAM Group, to build the prestigious mixed-use Mann Island development in Liverpool City Centre. HBG has reported a value of £ 90 mln (EUR 132 mln) for the development, while Neptune says the total value is £120 mln (EUR 177 mln). HBG are due to begin work next month, with full completion expected in December 2010. The Mann Island development will provide a link between the River Mersey and the existing City Centre, featuring public areas, cafes and restaurants, shops, exhibition space, 376 apartments and 13,000 m2 of commercial office space.