Hansteen Holdings, an investor in British and continental European real estate, has converted to REIT status following the admission of its ordinary shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s main market. The conversion to a REIT is a change in Hansteen's tax status, and will have tax consequences for Hansteen and its shareholders, the company said.

Hansteen Holdings, an investor in British and continental European real estate, has converted to REIT status following the admission of its ordinary shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s main market. The conversion to a REIT is a change in Hansteen's tax status, and will have tax consequences for Hansteen and its shareholders, the company said.

'We believe that the official list is a more appropriate platform for the continued growth of our group and we look forward to the opportunities that this move opens up, by increasing its profile, giving us better access to equity capital from a broader base of potential investors and offering shareholders greater liquidity in the shares,' said Ian Watson and Morgan Jones, joint Chief Executives of Hansteen in a statement.