Hammerson is dropping the listing of its shares from NYSE Euronext Paris. The application by the UK real estate investment trust (REIT) to delist has been approved by the board of Euronext Paris.

Hammerson is dropping the listing of its shares from NYSE Euronext Paris. The application by the UK real estate investment trust (REIT) to delist has been approved by the board of Euronext Paris.

Hammerson is active in the UK and France. The move came in response to changes to the French REIT or SIIC system which means that it is no longer a regulatory requirement to have a listing on a French stock exchange. A second factor for the decision to delist was the low volume of transactions in Paris.

'The delisting of Hammerson shares on NYSE Euronext Paris has no impact on Hammerson's day-to-day operations in France, where the company continues to have an active presence,' the company said.