The Urban Land Institute has named Guido Inzaghi as new chairman of its Italian activities. Inzaghi, a lawyer specialised in town planning and head of the public law department of DLA Piper, replaces Luca de Ambrosis Ortigara.
The Urban Land Institute has named Guido Inzaghi as new chairman of its Italian activities. Inzaghi, a lawyer specialised in town planning and head of the public law department of DLA Piper, replaces Luca de Ambrosis Ortigara.
'The re-launch of the property industry in this time of deep crisis requires simplification of rules, promotion of a new culture in the relationship between public and private as well as attention to the quality of the product,' said Inzaghi.
He will work in collaboration with ULI Europe's chairman Joe Montgomery who joined the organisation in April last year from the UK Government's Department for Communities and Local Government, where he was director general.
ULI is a global research and education institute dedicated to responsible land use and sustainable community building. Currently, ULI has nearly 30,000 members worldwide, including more than 2,300 in 14 countries across Europe. ULI's European operations are run from offices in London and Frankfurt.