The European Group of Valuers’ Associations (TEGoVA) has appointed Krzysztof Grzesik of the Polish Federation of Valuers’ Associations as its new chairman.
The European Group of Valuers’ Associations (TEGoVA) has appointed Krzysztof Grzesik of the Polish Federation of Valuers’ Associations as its new chairman.
Grzesik succeeds Roger Messenger who will continue as vice chairman with special responsibility for overseeing and developing TEGoVA’s Recognised European Valuer qualification.
Grzesik's immediate priority will be to assist governments in developing reliable national valuation standards for mortgage lending based on European Valuation Standards (EVS) as specified by the EU Mortgage Credit Directive and favoured by the European Central Bank.
TEGoVA has 59 member valuation associations representing 70,000 valuers in 32 countries.
John Frederiksen, president of the European Property Federation, said that TEGoVA has become a key partner with the property industry in Brussels in setting the EU agenda for real estate. 'We look forward to continuing this under Krzysztof Grzesik’s leadership.'
The other board members elected by delegates at TEGoVA’s General Assembly in Oslo on 16 May are Silvia Cappelli (ASSOVIB – Association of Property Valuation Companies for the Banking Sector; Italy), Jean-François Drouets (AFREXIM – French Association of Property Valuation Companies), Wolfgang Kälberer (vdp – Association of German Pfandbrief Banks), Danijela Iliæ (NAVS – National Association of Valuers of Serbia), Roger Messenger (IRRV – Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation; UK), Konstantinos Pallis (AVAG – Association of Greek Valuers) and Adrian Vascu (ANEVAR – National Association of Romanian Valuers).
Grzesik is a chartered surveyor, Polish qualified valuer and a Recognised European Valuer with over 35 years’ experience as a property consultant in the UK and mainland Europe. In the UK he first worked for several years as a valuation surveyor at the UK Government's Valuation Office and then as a partner of Kinney & Green, chartered surveyors in the City of London. He is also a past chairman of RICS Europe and former chairman of the RICS Continental Europe Standards Board. He is the International Representative of the Polish Federation of Valuers' Associations (PFVA) and sits on the Polish Valuation Standards Commission.
TEGoVA's main objectives are the creation and spreading of harmonised standards for valuation practice, for education and qualification as well as for corporate governance and for ethics for valuers.