Foruminvest Italia's new Gran Sasso shopping centre opens its doors on Thursday. The one-level shopping mall is located in Teramo near Gran Sasso mountain. The mall comprises 100 retail units on 36,000 m[sup]2[/sup]. There is also 5,000 parking places and a 7,000 m[sup]2[/sup] Conad Le Clerc hypermarket. Major tenants in the centre include Unieuro, H&M, Oviesse, Bata, Bershka, Terranova&Calliope, Sasch and Benetton.

Foruminvest Italia's new Gran Sasso shopping centre opens its doors on Thursday. The one-level shopping mall is located in Teramo near Gran Sasso mountain. The mall comprises 100 retail units on 36,000 m2. There is also 5,000 parking places and a 7,000 m2 Conad Le Clerc hypermarket. Major tenants in the centre include Unieuro, H&M, Oviesse, Bata, Bershka, Terranova&Calliope, Sasch and Benetton.

The mall is adjacent to the 9,000-seat football stadium developed by Foruminvest Italia as the new training ground of the League C football club Teramo. A spokesperson for Foruminvest Italia said that the stadium, which includes 3,000 m2 of service space, 2,800 parking spaces and more than 50,000 m2 of parks and gardens, also opens on Thursday.