The European listed real estate sector - as represented by the GPR 250 Europe Index - has chalked up its fifth positive month this year.
The index closed 2.3% higher in May, after a plus 3.8% performance for April. This compares to the one negative performance so far this year, - 3.9% in January.
Looking at May, the UK was the only country market to end down (-4.7%), while the biggest 'winners'were Germany (8.9%) and Sweden (6.3%).
Returns for the individual country indices, expressed in euros, were as follows:
Germany: 8.9%
Sweden: 6.3%
Spain: 3.2%
France: 3.0%
Austria: 3.0%
Switzerland: 2.7%
Belgium: 1.8%
The Netherlands: 1.5%
UK: -4.7%
Europe was the best performing of the GPR 250 regional indices
GPR 250 Global: -2.3%
GPR 250 Africa: -1.7%
GPR 250 Americas: -3.9%
GPR 250 Asia: 0.0%
GPR 250 Europe: 2.3%
GPR 250 Oceania: -4.6%