The Global Property Research 250 Europe index turned in another strong performance of +8.1% in December 2006. Finland (13%), the UK (9.4%), Italy (9.9%), the Netherlands (9.4%) and Sweden (9.3%) all performed better than the European average, while negative returns were booked by Poland (-1.7%), Spain (-2.6%) and Denmark (-21.2%).
The Global Property Research 250 Europe index turned in another strong performance of +8.1% in December 2006. Finland (13%), the UK (9.4%), Italy (9.9%), the Netherlands (9.4%) and Sweden (9.3%) all performed better than the European average, while negative returns were booked by Poland (-1.7%), Spain (-2.6%) and Denmark (-21.2%).
Belgium (3%), Switzerland (5.7%), France (6.7%), Austria (6.7%) and Germany (8.1%) finished lower than the European average in December but with positive returns. All performances are measured in the local currency.