The GPR 250 Europe Index rose 41.2% over 2009, led by Austria with an increase of 233.5%. The European index outperformed all the other regional indices, with Asia turning in the worst performance over the year with 23.9%.
The GPR 250 Europe Index rose 41.2% over 2009, led by Austria with an increase of 233.5%. The European index outperformed all the other regional indices, with Asia turning in the worst performance over the year with 23.9%.
The following results were booked over the year and the month of December:
Austria (233.5%/-3.5%)
Norway (Norwegian Property; 160.8%/23.4%)
Turkey (Is REIT; 147.4%/22.3%)
Poland (GTC; 69.5%/9.1%)
Finland (53.9%/8.4%)
Netherlands (39.1/4.3%)
Sweden (29.9%/9.3%)
Italy (28.8%/3.2%)
Switserland (23.6%/3.6%)
UK (22.6%/8.9%)
Germany (20.3%/-2.5%)
Belgium (10.8%/4.1%),
Greece (Babis Vovos I.C.; -51.0%/11.7%)
The performnces are measured in euros.
Worldwide, the GPR 250 indices booked the following results:
GPR 250 Europe 41.2%
GPR 250 Oceania 37.0%
GPR 250 Africa 34.5%
GPR 250 Americas 26.4%
GPR 250 Asia 23.9%
GPR 250 Global 30.0%