The GPR 250 Europe index booked a gain of 7.3% in March led by Poland with an increase of 21.6% and Turkey, up 17.2%. All countries booked an increase over the month with the exception of Greece which reported a negative return of 8.6%.

The GPR 250 Europe index booked a gain of 7.3% in March led by Poland with an increase of 21.6% and Turkey, up 17.2%. All countries booked an increase over the month with the exception of Greece which reported a negative return of 8.6%.

The GPR 250 Global index likewise reported an increase of 7.3% while the Americas and Africa both outperformed Europe with a rise of 9.9% and 9.1% respectively. The GRP 250 Asia index lagged with 4.7%, followed by Oceania with 3.3%.

Other European countries which booked a rise in March were Finland (14.9%), Austria (13.2%), Switserland (9.5%), Norway (9.2%), Sweden (9.1%), Germany (7.6%), Netherlands (7.4%), UK (6.6%), France (5.8%), Belgium (4.4%) and Italy (4.0%).