European listed real estate stocks - as represented by the GPR 250 Europe Index - finished March 4.7% higher with only the country indices of Sweden and Poland recording losses. Sweden booked a return of -1.3% while Poland slid 23.5%.

European listed real estate stocks - as represented by the GPR 250 Europe Index - finished March 4.7% higher with only the country indices of Sweden and Poland recording losses. Sweden booked a return of -1.3% while Poland slid 23.5%.

All the other individual European country indices remained in the black in March. Expressed in euros, Germany led with an increase of 11.2%; Italy 11.1%; the Netherlands 8.1%; Norway 7.1%; Turkey 6.8%; France 5.3%; UK 4.5%; Switzerland 4%; Finland 3.6%; Austria 3.5%; Belgium 2.4%; Israel 2%.

GPR 250 indices

GPR 250 Global 2.8%
GPR 250 Africa -0.1%
GPR 250 Americas 4.9%
GPR 250 Asia -0.3%
GPR 250 Europe 4.7%
GPR 250 Oceania -4.3%