The Greater Manchester Police Authority (GMPA) has announced its EUR 116 mln Public Finance Initiative (PFI), completed at the end of 2006, has been a 'huge success'. John Laing, awarded the contract in 2001, has delivered the 17 new police stations across 16 sites on time and on budget.

The Greater Manchester Police Authority (GMPA) has announced its EUR 116 mln Public Finance Initiative (PFI), completed at the end of 2006, has been a 'huge success'. John Laing, awarded the contract in 2001, has delivered the 17 new police stations across 16 sites on time and on budget.

In total, 38,600 m2 of new space was created across the sites, comprising four divisional headquarters, five sub-divisional headquarters, seven local stations and a Traffic Network headquarter. Altogether close to 3,000 police officers have been relocated from 53 old stations to the new 17 facilities.

John Laing has been chosen to design, develop, finance and operate the facilities over the coming 25 years. The assets have been designed utilising traditional Manchester red brick in order to give a 'corporate image'. 'Each new station is very distinctive which means people can find us easily', said GMPA's chairman Derek Osbaldestin. Facilities management services are being provided by Equion FM for the 25-year concession period.