PropertyEU is pleased to announce the first publication of ICSC Europe's new Informed magazine.

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Get Informed! First edition is out now

Produced in partnership with RetailWatch, Informed brings retail real estate industry news and ICSC members' insights from across Europe. 

Informed comes to you at an extraordinary time for the retail real estate industry, according to Bill Kistler, executive vice president and managing director of EMEA at ICSC, in his forward to the first issue. 'Investors, developers, managers and advisors face unprecedented challenges. We are in a complicated and important sector of the real estate industry. Complicated because of the pace of change, diverse customers, the mix of players needed to deliver and manage successful projects. Important because retail environments are the places that bring people together and are the cornerstone of thriving communities.'

Times like these favour the imaginative, the agile and the bold, Kistler continues. 'ICSC fosters collaboration across borders, sectors and disciplines, supporting our members with a platform to connect, share and learn from each other for their mutual benefit. We also work to advance the interests of the retail real estate industry with policymakers.

'Diverse challenges are creating new opportunities and driving an extraordinary period of retail real estate innovation. Quality of place and service matter more than ever. Europe is a laboratory of new ideas and great retail places. Informed will share insights from the companies and people behind these places.'

Click on the link to read the first edition of Informed.