MSS Real Estate's TFSEpx fund recorded a net return of 1.17% for the quarter ending September 2007, bringing the year-to-date performance to 5.09%. MSS said this reflected the general slowdown in the UK commercial proprty sector. 'The fund's sub-sector performance reflects the predictions of many commentators in the UK market that prime office assets continue to produce solid returns of 3.71% for the quarter, compared to retail of -0.17% and industrial of 0.78%.'

MSS Real Estate's TFSEpx fund recorded a net return of 1.17% for the quarter ending September 2007, bringing the year-to-date performance to 5.09%. MSS said this reflected the general slowdown in the UK commercial proprty sector. 'The fund's sub-sector performance reflects the predictions of many commentators in the UK market that prime office assets continue to produce solid returns of 3.71% for the quarter, compared to retail of -0.17% and industrial of 0.78%.'

MSS Real Estate said that over the 12-month period ending 30 September, UK commercial property outperformed other asset classes, delivering a total return of 9.1%, compared to FTSE EPRA/NAREIT UK which returned -10.4%, FTSE 100 8.5%, FTSE Hedge 4.5% and FTSE UK Gilts 0.2%.