Primonial REIM has sold two office buildings in London on behalf of its SCPI Ufifrance Immobilier investment fund, as part of a plan to refocus on core assets in Paris.

Primonial REIM has sold two office buildings in London on behalf of its SCPI Ufifrance Immobilier investment fund, as part of a plan to refocus on core assets in Paris.

The fund manager has disposed of 33 Golden Square, an office scheme entirely let to Clear Channel, to Orchard Street Investment Management's St James’s Place Wealth Management for around €28 mln.

Primonial REIM was advised by BNP Paribas Real Estate UK; Hanover Green acted for the buyer.

In addition, the company has sold another office at 1-5 Adam Street to a private investor, advised by Savills. The transaction price comes to €22 mln.