A former sales director of UK residential and commercial property developer SevenCapital has unveiled plans to launch a new real estate investment business, targeting investors and landlords.
Andy Foote, who led SevenCapital's global distribution team through more than £900 mln (€1 bn) in sales for the past eight years, will launch Joseph Mews Property Group in January 2022, with three brand new UK residential developments secured to offer to buyers.
Based in Birmingham, UK, the new business, which launches with a full sales, marketing and customer service operation, will offer domestic and international clients a full range of property investment opportunities across the UK.
Said Foote: 'Myself and the team are incredibly excited to be taking on this new challenge, which will allow us to extend our reach to new audiences and partners around the globe while providing an outstanding standard of care and exceptional investment opportunities for clients.
'Our focus will be on delivering quality developments alongside quality developers, working closely with capable and trusted partners to bring the most exciting projects to our investors.'
Foote has previously found success through a partnership with the Oxford & Cherwell District Council to deliver 104 apartments in Bicester. The business also plans to provide market research and investment consultancy services.