Fonciere Inea has acquired seven buildings mainly for office use for about EUR 21 mln, representing a yield of 7.4%. The properties cover a combined area of 10,980 m[sup]2[/sup].

Fonciere Inea has acquired seven buildings mainly for office use for about EUR 21 mln, representing a yield of 7.4%. The properties cover a combined area of 10,980 m2.
Three of the assets are located on the fringes of Strasbourg, Rouen and Bordeaux. The newly-developed Strasbourg and Bordeaux assets feature an occupation rate of 100%, while the Rouen asset has a pre-let rate of more than 50% and will be delivered in October.

The four other buildings are situated in Dijon, in the Bourgogne region, and are scheduled for delivery in mid-2008. Groupe Lazard has sold the assets for a price of EUR 14.7 mln.