Fintecna, a state-owned company operated by the Italian treasury, has put 19 real estate premises up for sale, Italian newspaper Il Sole24Ore has reported. The properties include the prestigious 11,500 m[sup]2[/sup] Litta building at Corso Magenta in Milan and Lavoro building - Palazzo del Lavoro, in Turin, designed by Pierluigi Nervi in 1961.

Fintecna, a state-owned company operated by the Italian treasury, has put 19 real estate premises up for sale, Italian newspaper Il Sole24Ore has reported. The properties include the prestigious 11,500 m2 Litta building at Corso Magenta in Milan and Lavoro building - Palazzo del Lavoro, in Turin, designed by Pierluigi Nervi in 1961.

Over 100 enquiries expressing interest in the assets have already been received, the paper said. Amongst such bidders are the Italian real estate companies Immobiliare Lombarda, Pirelli RE, Risanamento, Caltagirone group, the industrial group Maccaferri and the financial firm Sorgente. The deadline for submitting non-binding offers is April 6, 2007, according to the report. The market value of Fintecna's real estate is about EUR 800 mln.