Slovak real estate company JTRE has revealed that the European Union has inked a 7,000 m2 lease at JTRE’s riverfront development in Bratislava, Landererova 12, marking an EU first for the country.



The 23,000 m2 office project, which was completed in 2018, will house the newly-created European Labour Authority (ELA), the first European institution in Slovakia, with a staff of around 150 people.

According to JTRE, Slovakia, Cyprus, Latvia and Bulgaria had been competing to host the seat of the ELA and landing the institution is being seen as a significant vote of confidence in Bratislava.

The Slovak capital is home to more than 500,000 people, and it is the only national capital that borders two EU member states, namely Austria and Hungary.

'Landererova 12 is a world-class office development and it’s a building the European Labour Authority can be proud to call home,' said Pavel Pelikán, JTRE’s managing director.

'This high-profile letting confirms Landererova 12’s preeminent position in central Europe’s office market and we anticipate renewed interest from occupiers looking for high-spec space.

'The EU’s decision to select Bratislava as the seat for the new agency is a fantastic result for JTRE and a vote of confidence in Slovakia. It will further contribute to the country’s already positive economic outlook,' Pelikán added.

Landererova 12 is located within the newly-emerging Eurovea City, a business, retail and residential complex overlooking the River Danube. The asset includes 376-car parking spaces across four floors, plus a roor terrace on the twelfth floor. Its high tech features include the largest LED display in central Europe.

The building uses 32% less energy and 50% less drinking water than conventional buildings and environmental features include recharging stations for e-cars and changing facilities for cyclists, contributing to the award of a LEED Gold green building certificate.

The agency is expected to move into the premises as of October 2019.