UK private equity group Evans Randall has signed a 15-year usufruct agreement for a further 6,500 m[sup]2[/sup] at its Covent Garden prime office development in Brussels with the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI), a European Commission agency.
UK private equity group Evans Randall has signed a 15-year usufruct agreement for a further 6,500 m2 at its Covent Garden prime office development in Brussels with the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI), a European Commission agency.
Michael Evans, Chairman of Evans Randall, said: 'This transaction is firmly in line with our long-held investment strategy to secure occupiers with undeniable covenant strength. The success of this transaction reflects the quality and location of the Covent Garden complex, regarded as being amongst the best offices in Brussels.'
Covent Garden is located at the Place Rogier alongside the railway and the internal ring road of Brussels, and comprises both a tower and a low-rise building of high specification office-space linked by a four storey glass atrium containing a garden and a water feature. The EACI will take three floors in the larger 26-storey oval shaped tower, in one of Brussels' largest office lettings this year. Most of the remaining space in the larger tower, as well as the entirety of the smaller tower, is also occupied by the European Commission and its agencies.
Covent Garden is now more than 70% let and Evans Randall said it expects good interest in the remaining 20,000 m2, given the scarcity in the Brussels market of available new-build office space with large floor plates. Evans Randall acquired Covent Garden in September 2007.