European listed property stocks, as represented by the GPR 250 Europe Index, finished 8.7% lower in August 2011. The returns for individual European country indices were all negative , with Italy, Spain and Poland reporting the biggest losses (-15.8%, -19.0% and -26.7% respectively).

European listed property stocks, as represented by the GPR 250 Europe Index, finished 8.7% lower in August 2011. The returns for individual European country indices were all negative , with Italy, Spain and Poland reporting the biggest losses (-15.8%, -19.0% and -26.7% respectively).

Switzerland, Belgium and Sweden were the best performing countries, returning a negative 0.3%, 2.8% and 1.2% respectively.

The other European countries performed as follows:

France -6.8%
The Netherlands -6.8%
Germany -10.6%
UK -11.3%
Finland -11.4%
Austria -11.5%

GPR 250 indices

GPR 250 Global -5.5%
GPR 250 Africa -1.7%
GPR 250 Americas -4.7%
GPR 250 Asia -7.2%
GPR 250 Europe -8.7%
GPR 250 Oceania 0.7%