Jones Lang LaSalle expects 2010 to be a challenging year for investors to navigate, with recovery uneven across Europe, according to a new report released today, Capital Markets Outlook 2010 - Uneven Terrain. Investors will find it difficult to secure product, to identify value and to establish pricing levels. Many investors and banks will still be working through legacy issues and refinancing remains a major concern.
Jones Lang LaSalle expects 2010 to be a challenging year for investors to navigate, with recovery uneven across Europe, according to a new report released today, Capital Markets Outlook 2010 - Uneven Terrain. Investors will find it difficult to secure product, to identify value and to establish pricing levels. Many investors and banks will still be working through legacy issues and refinancing remains a major concern.
Chris Staveley, Director, European Capital Markets, Jones Lang LaSalle said: 'Investment volumes across Europe in 2010 will remain low compared with long term trends, but we still expect an increase of up to 20% on 2009 taking us back to 2002 levels of around EUR 85 bn. Despite the fact that occupier markets have remained weak and will stay that way this year, we will see a growing wall of equity selectively targeting the real estate sector. The main focus of this capital will remain on well-let, prime assets and due to a lack of suitable opportunities, this has the potential to exert downward pressure on prime yields as it has done in the UK in the second half of 2009.'
Staveley said the market will appear uneven in 2010 including economic recoveries, bank lending and occupier demand. 'The market will continue to witness seemingly contradictory events such as yields hardening in markets which are seeing falling rents. However, the mood is decidedly more positive at the start of 2010 despite the considerable issues facing the industry. The reasons for this are more clarity and certainty over the future, an apparent recovery in the wider economy but it is also a bounce back from the depths of early 2009 and as such represents relief as much as it does hope.'
Nigel Roberts, Chairman of European Research at Jones Lang LaSalle predicted that the larger French and German markets will show higher levels of liquidity in the coming year than in 2009. 'However, relative pricing will be back in fashion and as pricing in London and other core investment markets becomes too keen for some investors at this phase of the cycle capital will start to move around Europe. Other beneficiaries are likely to be in the Nordics and Central Europe where specific markets can offer prime product with improving market fundamentals.'