[b]Outlook 2015: Europe & Spain[/b] Date Dec 04, 2014 Time 09:00 - 11:30 [b]NEW LOCATION!![/b] Gómez-Acebo&Pombo, Castellana, 216 Madrid 28046, Spain [link="Click here for more information"]http://investment-briefings.propertyeu.info/event-calender/?id=104[/link]

Outlook 2015: Europe & Spain
Date Dec 04, 2014
Time 09:00 - 11:30
NEW LOCATION!! Gómez-Acebo&Pombo, Castellana, 216 Madrid 28046, Spain

Click here for more information

Madrid is the final stop on our Outlook series of events, now in its third successful year, providing insights from leading figures on the investment outlook for real estate markets in both Spain and Europe.

The event also includes a property tour for international investors focused on the Office market (lead by Patricio Palomar), 2 shopping centers – La Vaguada & La Moraleja Green, lead by Gonzalo Sera, industrial area Corredor del Henares, lead by Alberto Larrabal followed by a tour of the Real Madrid Stadium.

Registration is complimentary but places are strictly limited so lease reserve your place today.

The panel of speakers include:

Mario Verdyguer
Apartners Consultores

Alfonso Fernández-Puebla
Senior manager
GÓMEZ-ACEBO & POMBO Abogados, S. L. P. , Spain

Patricio Palomar
Director of Offices Advisory & Alternative Investments
CBRE, Spain

Vanessa Muscara
Senior Research Analyst
M&G Real Estate, UK

Mikel Marco-Gardoqui
Head of Capital Markets, Spain
CBRE, Spain

Click here for more information