Fund manager Europa Capital has teamed up with Beijing-based advisory firm Ilex Partners to boost Chinese investment in European real estate.

Fund manager Europa Capital has teamed up with Beijing-based advisory firm Ilex Partners to boost Chinese investment in European real estate.

The move is part of a long-term commitment to forge and maintain relationships with investors and property developers in China.

As Chinese investors grow and diversify their asset base into overseas alternative investments, Europa Capital and Ilex Partners will aim to work closely together with China’s leading institutional investors, life insurers and property developers to satisfy their growing appetite for overseas real estate investment.

Charles Graham, a founding partner of Europa Capital, said: ‘Europa Capital and Ilex recognise that Chinese capital will become an increasingly influential investor force in the European market in the years to come. Although much of the recent international real estate investment activity has been focused on the UK and, in particular London, Europa Capital expects that the investment focus will steadily broaden in search of return to encompass mainland Europe, where Europa Capital has considerable investment experience.’

He continued: ‘Europa Capital’s local expertise across Europe and strong deal pipeline enable it to unlock unique investment opportunities, which it is able to share with long-term Chinese partners.’