Europa Capital Partners, advisor to the Europa Fund, has announced the conclusion of a letting of 2,493 m[sup]2[/sup] to Fujitsu Technology Solutions at its Office Campus Gasometer project in Vienna. Fujitsu will take occupation in early December following fit-out and will join other global corporations on the occupier roster which includes among others Nokia Siemens Networks, Merz, Allianz,Reckitt Benckiser, LG Electronics, Hitachi and Carmeuse.

Europa Capital Partners, advisor to the Europa Fund, has announced the conclusion of a letting of 2,493 m2 to Fujitsu Technology Solutions at its Office Campus Gasometer project in Vienna. Fujitsu will take occupation in early December following fit-out and will join other global corporations on the occupier roster which includes among others Nokia Siemens Networks, Merz, Allianz,Reckitt Benckiser, LG Electronics, Hitachi and Carmeuse.

Nokia Siemens recently took occupation at end-September of its 6,926 m2 office accommodation.

Office Campus Gasometer Phase II, which totals 28,400 m2 rentable office space, provides unusually efficient and flexible, air-conditioned space with window-to-window floor spans of 15 metres and 18 metres. Individual 'Bauteile', which can be taken as discrete buildings within a building, range from 4,000 m2 to 6,900 m2 whilst individual floor plates vary from 460m² to 1,500 m2. 436 car spaces are also provided on two underground levels together with on-site storage facilities.