The FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global Real Estate Index fell 1.7% for the third consecutive month in April. Europe was the heaviest hit, declining 3.5%, whilst the Atlantic North America region was down 2.1%. The UK dropped 4.6% and France 5.1%. Year-on-year the UK is in the red (-8.3%). France remains on positive ground. The Netherlands and Sweden added 60 and 10 basis points respectively in April. Broad European volatility stands at about 11%, lower than the North American and Asia-Pacific regions.

The FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global Real Estate Index fell 1.7% for the third consecutive month in April. Europe was the heaviest hit, declining 3.5%, whilst the Atlantic North America region was down 2.1%. The UK dropped 4.6% and France 5.1%. Year-on-year the UK is in the red (-8.3%). France remains on positive ground. The Netherlands and Sweden added 60 and 10 basis points respectively in April. Broad European volatility stands at about 11%, lower than the North American and Asia-Pacific regions.

Heading the European performers in April was Denmark's TK Development (+14%). Assura, the UK healthcare specialist added 11%, closely followed by Lamda Development of Greece (+10%). Deutsche Wohnen climbed 9% and Acanthe Developpement of France added 8%. Austrian stock Sparkassen Immobilien fell 12% following at 23% jump in March.