The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) has announced the appointment of Romain Triollet as its Public Affairs Director. EPRA said the new position will allow it to play a more active role in the public debate on the EU's economic and financial reform as it affects listed real estate, and give it a platform for contributing member expertise in formulating decisions.
The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) has announced the appointment of Romain Triollet as its Public Affairs Director. EPRA said the new position will allow it to play a more active role in the public debate on the EU's economic and financial reform as it affects listed real estate, and give it a platform for contributing member expertise in formulating decisions.
Triollet will be responsible for promoting the association's activities and positions on the EU stage, and fostering good working relationship with EPRA's stakeholders - in particular EU institutions, governments and other business organisations. He will closely work with EPRA's CEO Philip Charls and Finance Director Gareth Lewis.
'We are very pleased to have Romain joining us; his background in communications and European law will greatly complement the expertise we already have in the team,' said Charls. 'I'm excited to join the EPRA team and committed to draw on my EU affairs know-how to continuously improve the representation of our member’s interests in Brussels,' Triollet added.
Before joining EPRA, Triollet was a Public Affairs Consultant at leading communications consultancy Weber Shandwick. During his nearly seven years with Weber Shandwick, Triollet developed in-depth expertise in EU legislation intelligence and analysis, government and institutional relations, lobbying and advocacy campaigns, but also event conception and management, and communication tools development.
Separately, EPRA said registration is now open for EPRA's member-only Annual Conference at the Amsterdam Hilton on 2-3 September 2010.