Curzon Global Partners /AEW Europe has announced that EPI Orange Holdings has sold 14,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of mixed-used property in Berlin to private clients of London-based Strategic Real Estate Advisors (StratREAL). EPI Orange Holdings is an investment company of European Property Investors, a pan-European value-added fund. Curzon Global Partners CEO Ric Lewis pointed out that the transaction only represented a return to market weight in Germany and that they continue to actively search for suitable investment opportunities in the country.

Curzon Global Partners /AEW Europe has announced that EPI Orange Holdings has sold 14,000 m2 of mixed-used property in Berlin to private clients of London-based Strategic Real Estate Advisors (StratREAL). EPI Orange Holdings is an investment company of European Property Investors, a pan-European value-added fund. Curzon Global Partners CEO Ric Lewis pointed out that the transaction only represented a return to market weight in Germany and that they continue to actively search for suitable investment opportunities in the country.