Investors will continue to head for German safe-haven cities in 2013, according to the annual Emerging Trends in Real Estate report.
Investors will continue to head for German safe-haven cities in 2013, according to the annual Emerging Trends in Real Estate report.
Munich, Berlin and Hamburg all feature in the top 5 cities for existing property investments as investors search for dependable locations that can withstand economic turbulence.
The report, a real estate forecast published jointly by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), ranks Munich top of the league table followed closely by Berlin in second place and Hamburg in fifth position.
London is ranked 3rd for new investment prospects (up from tenth last year) even though 54% of respondents thought the city’s market was overheated and overpriced and only 28% thought it was fairly priced as a safe haven. ‘Investors continue to be attracted by the size and liquidity of its real estate market, the stability of sterling as a currency and its ability to stand alone from the rest of the UK and Europe’s economic issues,’ the report said..
The report, which is based on views from more than 500 international real estate professionals, saw Warsaw drop seven places to tenth position in the top 10 city league, while Stockholm and Istanbul each fell three places to eighth and fourth position respectively.
Top 10 European Cities for Existing Property Investments
2013 Ranking
1 Munich
2 Berlin
3 London
4 Istanbul
5 Hamburg
6 Paris
7 Zurich
8 Stockholm
9 Moscow
10 Warsaw
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