Germany's ECE has appointed Henrie Kötter as new head of development following the departure of Gerhard Dunstheimer, who will join Paramount Inc. in New York from July 1, 2014.

Germany's ECE has appointed Henrie Kötter as new head of development following the departure of Gerhard Dunstheimer, who will join Paramount Inc. in New York from July 1, 2014.

Paramount is one of the largest real estate companies in New York with properties worth $11 bn (€8 bn) under management. The company was founded by Werner Otto in the 1960s and is, like ECE, owned by the Otto family.

Kötter, who joined ECE in 2004, has been responsible for the centre management division as member of the management board. He will take over Dunstheimer's tasks and in future head the development and M&A divisions as chief Investment officer.