The European Commission and the government of Brussels have presented a masterplan for the redevelopment of the city's European Quarter. The redevelopment plan involves 400,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space for the Commission on both sides of the Rue de Loi, and about 180,000 m[sup]2[/sup] for housing and other uses within the European Quarter.
The European Commission and the government of Brussels have presented a masterplan for the redevelopment of the city's European Quarter. The redevelopment plan involves 400,000 m2 of office space for the Commission on both sides of the Rue de Loi, and about 180,000 m2 for housing and other uses within the European Quarter.
The Commission will launch an international architectural planning competition which it hopes to finalise by end-2009 for the project. Officials said the investment for the project would remain within the limits set by the 2007-2013 EU budget. In 2007, the European Commission's budget for building expenditures was EUR 207.5 mln.
Most of the Commission's Brussels facilities are located in the European Quarter. However, it has also confirmed it is continuing with a decentralisation process in a maximum of three other sites in the city.