International investment in Dutch real estate hit the highest level since mid-2008 in the first quarter of this year, data from research firm Real Capital Analytics (RCA) show.

International investment in Dutch real estate hit the highest level since mid-2008 in the first quarter of this year, data from research firm Real Capital Analytics (RCA) show.

Foreign buyers carried out over €3.5 bn of transactions in the Netherlands in the 12 months to March 2014, suggesting investors believe the market is firmly on the road to recovery.

Simon Mallinson, RCA’s managing director for EMEA, said: ‘The first-quarter data confirm the trend, that became clear last year, of international investors placing increasing volumes of capital in real estate in the Netherlands. This has been led by investors from the US, who represent six of the top 10 cross-border buyers over the previous 12 months.’

Domestic investment has remained steady in a narrow range over the past five years at between about €2.5 to €3.5 bn on a rolling annual basis. This, said Mallinson, may suggest ‘the Dutch are now selling into the oncoming international wave’.

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Want to know more about the latest news and developments in Dutch real estate? Come to PropertyEU's latest investment briefing on the market. It is being hosted by CBRE Global Investors in London on the morning of 21 May. Click here for more details and for complimentary registration.