Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) has announced the leasing of Hangar 6 at Dublin Airport to Aer Lingus in December for a term of 20 years. The former SRT Technics facility which comprises 23,000 m[sup]2[/sup] is one of the largest commercial buildings in the country.

Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) has announced the leasing of Hangar 6 at Dublin Airport to Aer Lingus in December for a term of 20 years. The former SRT Technics facility which comprises 23,000 m2 is one of the largest commercial buildings in the country.

Hangar 6 is the jewel in the crown of hangars at Dublin Airport. It was the largest clear-span building in Ireland (clear span of 84 metres) when it was constructed in 1991. The approximately 2 hectares of ground floor space under the roof can house 2 Boeing 747 Jumbo Jets plus 5 Boeing 737s, in addition to the associated office space for 350 people.

Under the deal, Aer Lingus will rent Hangar 6 from the DAA and will use the facility to amalgamate Dublin based maintenance and operational functions into one location, which will allow for a more streamlined and cost effective operation.

Commenting on the deal, Jack MacGowan of DAA congratulated Aer Lingus and said: 'This deal is a strategic step forward for both DAA and Aer Lingus and another concrete example of how the DAA is working with its airline customers to deliver the appropriate long term facilities that they require. It creates value and will help sustain employment in airline maintenance after the unfortunate loss of SRT as an occupier earlier in the year.'

Ronan Webster of CBRE said that the market rent achieved on the leased area of 23,000 m2 represents the most significant lease transaction in the Irish market in 2009.

Margaret Fleming of Jones Lang La Salle represented Aer Lingus.