DTZ Investors (DTZI) has appointed Ritesh Ramchandani as head of debt strategies & capital markets, as part of growth plans for its UK and European markets. 

Ritesh Ramchandani

Ritesh Ramchandani

Ramchandani (pictured right) specialises in capital raising for real estate strategies and participated in DTZI’s recent acquisition of a Tesco distribution centre in Dublin, Ireland. He has held prior positions at GE Capital, Landmark Partners and Standard Chartered.

Chris Cooper, CEO of DTZ Investors commented: 'As we expand our thematic funds, separate accounts and leveraged strategies, accessing broader capital markets will play an increasingly important role and with Ritesh coming on board our investors will see immediate benefits of this strategic appointment.'

DTZI's highly-active 2019 saw success with third party funds, including the investment of €425 mln across Europe on behalf of Asian investors in three separate deals. The firm also partnered with The Collective to launch Coliv, the first unlisted collective investment vehicle investing in large scale, purpose-built co-living buildings in London.

'Joining the DTZI team at this juncture is an excellent opportunity to deliver on its growth objectives alongside a widely respected team of professional and institutional investors,' said Ramchandani. 'Today, capital markets are highly diverse in terms of products and sources, my role will be focussed on capital raising to enhance investor returns across our leveraged strategies.'