Italy's Risanamento has signed a long-term contract with Dolce & Gabbana for two sites at its Milano Santa Giulia project. Dolce & Gabbana agreed on a 9 + 9-year lease agreement for about 1,500 m[sup]2[/sup]. The rental price was not disclosed. Analysts at merchant bank Kempen & Co are assuming an average rental level on the project of EUR 1,500 for outlets on the upmarket square and avenue. Last April, La Rinascente agreed on a 9 + 9-year leasing contract for a 6,400 m[sup]2[/sup] department store. The project is expected to be opened in 2010.

Italy's Risanamento has signed a long-term contract with Dolce & Gabbana for two sites at its Milano Santa Giulia project. Dolce & Gabbana agreed on a 9 + 9-year lease agreement for about 1,500 m2. The rental price was not disclosed. Analysts at merchant bank Kempen & Co are assuming an average rental level on the project of EUR 1,500 for outlets on the upmarket square and avenue. Last April, La Rinascente agreed on a 9 + 9-year leasing contract for a 6,400 m2 department store. The project is expected to be opened in 2010.