German listed property company Deutsche Wohnen has acquired 510 residential and 37 commercial units from private investors for a total of EUR 40.5 mln. The 35,000 m[sup]2[/sup] portfolios are located in the cities of Offenbach (75%) and Frankfurt (25%).

German listed property company Deutsche Wohnen has acquired 510 residential and 37 commercial units from private investors for a total of EUR 40.5 mln. The 35,000 m2 portfolios are located in the cities of Offenbach (75%) and Frankfurt (25%).

The average monthly rent generated by the portfolios comes to EUR 7.75 per m2, while the vacancy rate is approximately 5%. This acquisition brings the residential assets acquired in 2007 by the company to 950 units, Deutsche Wohnen said in a press release.