Degi Global Business fund has acquired the retail gallery of the Due Colonne mall in Brindisi, in Italy's southern region of Apulia, for EUR 73 mln. The mall, which opened on March 28, 2007, was sold by a consortium of Italian retail developers Coopsette and Aligros. The property is located, together with the adjoining Carrefour hypermarket, on Brindisi's ringroad. The shopping centre's catchment area counts about 275,000 inhabitants. The centre comprises 60 shop units, all of them already let, and 2,500 outdoor parking spaces. The total lettable area comes to 12,081 m[sup]2[/sup].

Degi Global Business fund has acquired the retail gallery of the Due Colonne mall in Brindisi, in Italy's southern region of Apulia, for EUR 73 mln. The mall, which opened on March 28, 2007, was sold by a consortium of Italian retail developers Coopsette and Aligros. The property is located, together with the adjoining Carrefour hypermarket, on Brindisi's ringroad. The shopping centre's catchment area counts about 275,000 inhabitants. The centre comprises 60 shop units, all of them already let, and 2,500 outdoor parking spaces. The total lettable area comes to 12,081 m2.

Bärbel Schomberg, ceo of Degi's management board, sees clear development potential for modern, attractive retail facilities in Apulia: 'Though purchasing power there is lower than in the north, due to lower cost of living, the amount of disposable income for consumption purposes is significantly higher than in the business centres of the country's north and in other European regions.'

Degi Global Business owns property assets of around EUR 332 mln. The fund's one-year performance per April 30, 2007 was around 5.3%.