Degi International has bought an office development in Saint Martin de Blagnac, near Toulouse, southern France, for EUR 38 mln. The complex is being acquired in a sale-and-lease-back transaction from Assystem, the future occupant. Delivery is planned for 2008, Degi said in a press release. The complex includes two buildings providing some 13,800 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space, a restaurant as well as 722 parking spaces. Depending on demand, Degi said that a third building could be developed on the site.
Degi International has bought an office development in Saint Martin de Blagnac, near Toulouse, southern France, for EUR 38 mln. The complex is being acquired in a sale-and-lease-back transaction from Assystem, the future occupant. Delivery is planned for 2008, Degi said in a press release. The complex includes two buildings providing some 13,800 m2 of office space, a restaurant as well as 722 parking spaces. Depending on demand, Degi said that a third building could be developed on the site.