Corpus Sireo Asset Management has appointed Karsten Burbach as managing director of its retail property division ahead of a planned acquisitions programme.

Corpus Sireo Asset Management has appointed Karsten Burbach as managing director of its retail property division ahead of a planned acquisitions programme.

Working with chief operating officer Ingo Hartlief, Burbach will be responsible for client acquisition, investment, asset and portfolio management.

Georg Orlich, head of asset management, and Christoph Jauck, head of investment for the retail business, will report to Burbach.

Burbach will also be in charge of all client and investor support activities. He succeeds Thorsten Prior, who will leave the company at his own request on 31 August.

A key area for Burbach and his team will be retail property investment. Hartlief: 'We currently have extensive funds at our disposal for retail acquisitions on behalf of our clients. In addition to our management and letting expertise, we will therefore be focusing in particular on the acquisition expertise of our retail division over the coming months.'

Burbach was previously CBRE's head of retail Germany, having established the business line for the property advisory company in 2006.