Construction work for Multi Development's 65,000 m[sup]2[/sup] Forum Palermo shopping mall development has begun. The scheme is being developed for an investment subsidiary of Multi Corporation and is scheduled to open in 2009.

Construction work for Multi Development's 65,000 m2 Forum Palermo shopping mall development has begun. The scheme is being developed for an investment subsidiary of Multi Corporation and is scheduled to open in 2009.

The groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday was attended by the mayor of Palermo, Diego Cammarata, as well as members of the city council. 'Forum Palermo will change the retail scenario of the region and boost the economical and social growth of the area', said Mauro Mancini, managing director at Multi Development-C Italia.

Forum Palermo is one of the largest retail and leisure schemes being developed in southern Italy. The mall is anchored by a hypermarket and a stand-alone DIY shop. Two existing buildings will be converted in restaurants and cultural and entertainment facilities. Under an agreement with the Municipality Public Works Department, a freeway connection, an interchange public parking, a neighbourhood access road, a bus terminal and a bus depot will also be provided.

The master plan for the scheme was provided by Multi's in-house architects group, T+T Design from the Dutch city of Gouda. Architects Lombardini 22 and Progetto CMR, both from Milan, completed the work.