Italian REIT Coima Res has completed the acquisition of an office complex located in Milan from Mediolanum Real Estate, the real estate alternative investment fund managed by Mediolanum Gestione Fondi SGR and listed on the Italian Stock Exchange.

manfredi catella rs

Manfredi Catella Rs

The acquisition of the property located in Via Alessio di Tocqueville 13 was facilitated by a €70 mln loan from lenders Banca IMI, BNP Paribas, ING Bank and UniCredit which was granted on 16 July.

Manfredi Catella (pictured), founder and CEO of Coima Res, commented: ‘The Tocqueville acquisition allows us to complete the ownership of the entire block of Via Bonnet which is adjacent to the Microsoft HQ in Porta Nuova with a refurbishment project of more than 35,000 m2.’