Commerz Grundbesitz Gruppe (CGG) has completed the acquisition of the Charles Square Center (CSC) in Prague for EUR 90 mln. The property was bought from Irish investor Quinlan Private on behalf of CGG's open-end property fund, HausInvest Global. The nine-storey building was completed in 2002 and is almost fully let. It provides 15,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space, with retail and restaurant space occupying the remaining 5,000 m[sup]2[/sup].

Commerz Grundbesitz Gruppe (CGG) has completed the acquisition of the Charles Square Center (CSC) in Prague for EUR 90 mln. The property was bought from Irish investor Quinlan Private on behalf of CGG's open-end property fund, HausInvest Global. The nine-storey building was completed in 2002 and is almost fully let. It provides 15,000 m2 of office space, with retail and restaurant space occupying the remaining 5,000 m2.