CBRE Global Investors has mandated broker JLL to sell a 35,000 m2 portfolio consisting of four office buildings in Milan.

CBRE Global Investors has mandated broker JLL to sell a 35,000 m2 portfolio consisting of four office buildings in Milan.

The portfolio includes Affori Centre, which offers 12,000 m2 of office facilities to the northwest of Milan - and is the first office building to receive the Leed Gold certification.

Affori Centre is owned by CB Richard Ellis Strategic Partners Europe Fund II, a Pan-European investment fund managed by CBRE Investors.

Other assets are Palazzo B10/B11 in Assago, Palazzo Verrocchio in Milano 2 and Palazzo Tintoretto in Segrate, near Milan. The assets generate total annual rents of €3.2 mln.

'The location of the buildings and their value-add potential have already generated strong interest among investors,' said Daniele Martignetti, head of office capital markets at JLL Italy.