Listed property firm Castellum has sold two mixed-use properties in the south of Sweden for a total SEK 238 mln (€25 mln).
Listed property firm Castellum has sold two mixed-use properties in the south of Sweden for a total SEK 238 mln (€25 mln).
Kampen 25 and and Intäkten 5 in Norra Sofielund, two kilometres outside Malmö, comprise 40,650 m2 of lettable space made up of warehouses, offices, industrial units and premises for healthcare, education and association activities.
The properties were sold through Castellum’s wholly owned subsidiary Fastighets AB Briggen. The assets will change hands on May 1, 2015.
Another wholly owned subsidiary, Fastighets AB Brostaden, has sold a vacant office and industrial property of 3,673 m2 in Solna, a northern suburb of Stockholm, for €3.5 mln.
Castellum has also invested €30.5 mln in acquiring, leasing and building properties in urban locations around Sweden.
Henrik Saxborn, CEO of Castellum, said: ‘The urbanisation trend in Sweden is strong. We are positioning ourselves, in accordance with our strategy, to continue to grow where Sweden is growing.’
Castellum is one of the largest listed real estate companies in Sweden with a portfolio valued at approximately SEK 40 bn (€4.2 bn) and covering 3.7 million m2, owned and managed by six wholly owned subsidiaries.