Listed Swedish property company Castellum has acquired two more commercial properties in the country through two of its subsidiaries. The first is a mixed-use property located in Hisingen, on the outskirts of Gothenburg, bought by Eklandia Fastighets for SEK 210 mln (EUR 22.4 mln). Of its total lettable area of about16,000 m2, the property consists of 2,600 m[sup]2[/sup] of offices and a 400 m[sup]2[/sup] restaurant, with the remainder taken up by production and warehouse premises.

Listed Swedish property company Castellum has acquired two more commercial properties in the country through two of its subsidiaries. The first is a mixed-use property located in Hisingen, on the outskirts of Gothenburg, bought by Eklandia Fastighets for SEK 210 mln (EUR 22.4 mln). Of its total lettable area of about16,000 m2, the property consists of 2,600 m2 of offices and a 400 m2 restaurant, with the remainder taken up by production and warehouse premises.

The second is a 2,700 m2 office property in Sundbyberg/Solna, close to Sweden, acquired by Fastighets Brostaden for SEK 52 mln (EUR 5.6 mln). Fastighets Brostaden has also started a SEK 30 mln (EUR 3.2 mln) reconstruction project to convert an older site near Stockholm into a modern warehouse and logistics property. When completed in the spring of next year the lettable area will amount to 21,000 m2.