The platform will enable landlords to deliver a flexible workspace solution under a management agreement with Cushman & Wakefield.
Cushman & Wakefield has launched Indego, a white label service for office landlords and investors looking to create bespoke flexible workspaces in the UK.
Launched to meet the demand from office owners for a flexible workspace solution without operational complexities, Indego is a customisable service that encompasses design & build, marketing, sales and on-site operations offered under a management agreement with Cushman & Wakefield. While Indego is a new proposition for the office market, the model follows principles which are already well established in the hotel industry.
The platform is led by flexible office sector expert, Emma Swinnerton. Swinnerton joined Cushman & Wakefield in April 2018, providing strategic advice to operators, landlords, investors, and new entrants on how to respond to the changing dynamics of the flexible office market. Prior to this position, Swinnerton held the role of Global Commercial Director for Spaces & New Formats at serviced office giant, Regus.
Emma Swinnerton, head of Flexible Workspace – EMEA at Cushman & Wakefield, said: 'Indego enables our clients to meet the rapidly growing demand for flexible workspace - and the improved returns it offers - on their terms. Cushman & Wakefield has been at the forefront of the evolving office market for many years and our investment in Indego demonstrates where we believe this exciting sector is heading next.'