The Investment Management Association (IMA) is calling for the abolition of what it calls a 'discriminatory' tax regime for authorised funds investing in commercial property. These currently suffer a 20% corporation tax on rental income with no option to get it back as UK tax-exempt investors, while both property funds domiciled offshore and REITs are able to reclaim for exempt investors.

The Investment Management Association (IMA) is calling for the abolition of what it calls a 'discriminatory' tax regime for authorised funds investing in commercial property. These currently suffer a 20% corporation tax on rental income with no option to get it back as UK tax-exempt investors, while both property funds domiciled offshore and REITs are able to reclaim for exempt investors.

IMA has written to the Chancellor calling for this anomaly to be resolved. IMA's ceo Richard Saunders commented: 'Sales of property funds in the UK are at record highs with a growing appetite for those particularly using exposure to commercial property. It is therefore vital that in order to keep the investment funds industry competitive and on a par with other investment products, the government addresses the rules for tax-exempt investors.'